Technical Writing Samples
I began my journey into user experience writing by gaining experience in technical writing. Here are some of my best samples:
User Manual for Collaboration: I wrote this user manual for the content design team at UXPALA. It provides important information about my availability, preferences, and personality to help team members collaborate effectively with me.
COVID Policies for Church Service: I wrote these policies to help churchgoers adhere to social distancing and masking guidelines. The pastor asked me to write the policies with a gentile and empathetic tone.
What is a CAT Tool?: A fictional blog post about computer assisted translation (CAT) tools written for new translators. The post explains how CAT tools work and how they’re different from machine translation software. This was an assignment for my technical writing course at California State University, Dominguez HIlls.
Adding and Using Multiple Keyboards on the iPad and iPhone: This is a standard operating procedure (SOP) I wrote to help users set up and use multiple keyboards using the iPhone and iPad. For example, the SOP helps users set up a Japanese keyboard so that they can switch between typing in English and Japanese on their iPhones and iPads. This was an assignment for my technical writing course at California State University, Dominguez HIlls.
Dirty Money Infographic: I created this infographic to inform the public about the bacteria found on currency and encourage hand washing after handling currency. My experience as a teller and the pandemic inspired me to create this for an assignment for my technical writing course at California State University, Dominguez HIlls.
I also have samples of SOPs that I edited for the Credit Union of Southern California. The documents are internal so I can’t publish them online. I can share them upon request in person.